Customer selfcare

Customer selfcare | Habit Analytics @ 2021
Working @ Habit Analytics create a SPA.
Customer selfcare is a very demanding and ambitious SPA built from scratch using essentially Next.js and TailwindCSS. It uses SWR to handle the data synchronization.
Almost all React components are built from scratch. Very few libraries are used.
As always for linting it uses eslint and stylelint. Prettier for code format. It also uses Husky for running tasks upon committing, such as validating commit messages according to conventional commits as well as running lint and test. Testing is provided by Jest and React Testing Library.
It's a web platform to manage user insurance policies. It has the ability to manage user account details; policy documents; billings; create/edit claims; etc...
Is completely responsive for all sorts of devices and to be embedded in other clients' web platforms.
Due to a NDA, I cannot share the work I've done.
Client: Habit Analytics
Date: 2021